Harry, Kathleen, Sydney and Julia Watts have moved to Yokosuka, Japan. Here is how our life as a Gaijin (Japanese for foreigner) has been developing.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Fun video!

While Grandpa and Margie where here they had a good time and enjoyed just hanging out with the girls. Julia found Margie's Chin very appetizing one afternoon and I was lucky enough to catch it on video. Julia is getting so big and to the stage where she has quick hands and can get to everything, with in reach. She is not able to move fowards or backwards, but she has the 360 degrees thing down. It is amazing how much enjoyment Julia gets out of watching Sydney. They can entertain each other which we found surprising at such a young age. It is truely a joy to watch the two of them interact. I know they will have nasty fights some day but for now we will treasure these fun moments.

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