Harry, Kathleen, Sydney and Julia Watts have moved to Yokosuka, Japan. Here is how our life as a Gaijin (Japanese for foreigner) has been developing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Sydney returned home on friday with a mother's day present that she had made at school. I of course got some pictures then opened the present. I am sure that the school did all the wrapping. Sydney was so excited though she really didn't understand what mother's day was all about. We had a nice weekend and went out for a nice lunch. It was rainy and cold all weekend so the weather wasn't helpful to get out and about but oh well. I had a nice Mother's day none the less. We had some friends over last week for dinner and found out that Sydney and Tyler sing the same song before meals, though they go to different japanese kindergartens. Here are Sydney and Tyler singing in Japanese.

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