Harry, Kathleen, Sydney and Julia Watts have moved to Yokosuka, Japan. Here is how our life as a Gaijin (Japanese for foreigner) has been developing.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

She is on the move!

Thursday afternoon Julia finally figured out this crawling thing one hand at a time. She is very careful and systematic about the process. I am not sure, but this may be due to the difficultly of getting traction on our tatami mats and hard wood floors. She of course figured this out when mom was extremely tired because of Kathy and Robin, but that will be another entry. She does this thing when she gets up on her hands and feet like she just wants to walk. There is such a world for her to explore, and I am sure she wants to see it all this weekend. We will keep you informed about her moves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like she has a modified crawl, getting ready to walk move! Luv to all...