Picking strawberries in Japan is very different than picking them in the States. We ventured out this weekend with some friends, and of course it was an adventure. You drive to the country, ha, that is a joke, there is no country here. At least not what I think of when I think of wide open spaces. Then you pay 1200 yen, which these days is more than $12 and you go to a nice warm green house. Once you arrive in the greenhouse you are given a plastic tray with some sweet dipping sauce and you start your 30 minutes of eating all the strawberries you want. You walk up and down the rows of strawberries and just eat what you want. As you can tell by the pictures these are some of the most well taken care of strawberry plants you could find. Luckily I didn't have to pay for Sydney because she wouldn't even try the strawberries but she sure liked the dipping sauce. These were some of the best strawberries I have ever had. I like strawberries, but Japanese strawberries are the best. You don't need sugar or dipping sauce since they are all so sweet and delicious. In the end, you leave with a full belly but no strawberries, but oh well it was a good time.
We then went to lunch at the Peko-chan restaurant, and I tried my first pizza with corn on it. Since it was Good friday I couldn't eat my regular curry I like to order so I tried something new and it wasn't bad. I would prefer Monical's or Papa John's but "when in Rome".
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