Harry, Kathleen, Sydney and Julia Watts have moved to Yokosuka, Japan. Here is how our life as a Gaijin (Japanese for foreigner) has been developing.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thanks to my friends!

Yes I can cook Dad! My dad always makes fun of me when I say I am making dinner, because he doesn't think I can cook. Well, if living in Japan has done one thing, it has improved my cooking. It is not easy to order in while living here, if there is a place that delivers, which there are, it is incredibly difficult for me to order over the phone. Most of the restaurants here have pictures, and you just point at the picture of the meal you would like. I understand there are probably many dishes that do not have pictures that are wonderful, but unless I am with someone who can read kanji I have to stick to the pictures. I had some friends over for a luncheon, and once everyone was here we realized a couple things about the group. Four of us arrived in Japan at the same time and were in the same boring week long class together to learn about the Navy and about Japan. Mi-Mi(MCAT) was the exception, but there should always be an exception made for Mi-Mi. I actually have an Aunt Mary Ellen who we call ME-ME and I should really get those two together when Mary Ellen comes to visit because it would be a blast. Needless to say the meal went well, though I was a little nervous at 1100 when I wasn't ready and the ladies would be arriving any minute. The only thing missing from the meal was my china but since it is tucked away back in my grandmother's basement the Feistaware would have to do. I know you are all laughing at the idea of me using my china but since we hand wash everything here anyhow I should be using it everyday. Anyway, the benefit of meeting people in AOB class is most of them leave the same time we do. So I don't have to watch my closest friends here leave without me. We do have to say goodbye to Kathy this summer, and we will miss her. We hope that she continues the blog once she is gone because what else would I ready every morning with my coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell your Dad we didn't leave much behind!! It was great!!!