Harry, Kathleen, Sydney and Julia Watts have moved to Yokosuka, Japan. Here is how our life as a Gaijin (Japanese for foreigner) has been developing.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The little things...

Yes, it is the little things in this world. Over the holidays, the new Chili's opened on base. We were not fortunate enough to have dined there before they were forced to close because they where under-manned and here not giving the customer service that they wanted to. So, over two weeks later they reopened. As you can guess, this is a big hit on base, and getting a table without at least an hour wait was next to impossible. We tried to take the family to an early dinner last saturday and it was a 50 minute wait at 3:30 in the afternoon. So today I finally had lunch there with my girlfriend Kim, and yes it was worth the wait. I know in the States, Chili's are a dime a dozen, but over here it is not that often that I am able to go somewhere and order chips and salsa. A margarita would have been nice also, but remember this was lunchtime. I have to say that I was not disappointed and look forward to dining there again. All you stateside are laughing at me right now but that is OK because until you have lived overseas you will not realize what comforts you miss back home. This is one place that will make my life easier for the next 18 months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz, nice to see your getting some reminders of the beautiful peoria Chili's halfway around the world. Hope its warmer there than it is here. Collin